Should university require student to attend classes? Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I really disagree with them about it. I do not understand how a college student can learn much knowledge if s/he even doesn't attend classes. Although nowadays some people argue frequently whether a student can study without a teacher,tradition has it that class is a firm part of the school life. As far as i am concerned, no matter whether students like it or not, they must attend classes.
The main reason of not to attend classes is they can learn knowledge by themselves. By not attending class, students can control the time by themselves. Even though I think there maybe have one or two advantages of not attending classes, I insist that the benefit of attending classes can be far overweigh than not attending.
In the first place, in classes students receive the benefit of the instructor's acquirement. A instructor always teach more than just going through the textbook; s/he also tell students his own experience,his own understanding which is useful for student to comprehend. Textbooks normally provide just concentrated knowledge. In addition, the instructor may show the student some visual documents which help students to reach the knowledge more directly.
Second, student who attend classes will also benefit from the group discussion with other classmate. There is an old Chinese saying" three stupid man claver than the smartest man". When you discuss the questions with your partner, you can always spark out some smashing ideas that one can not think out by own. Also, today's society emphasize the skills of communication and listening to other people's opinions. And it is important to share your ideas with other people. There is no doubt that attending classes can train students to have good sense of teamwork. In the lecture, students are often given the group assignments that required cooperation.Meanwhile, they can learn strong point from other students.
In short, going to classes give students more knowledge,help them to become more cooperative and responsible. So I think one must attend classes if one wants to be a better student.
I can't agree with you any more. I think the lectures are the necessary part of high level education, especially in engineering. Besides, lectures are the reason why we are here, right? If someone doesn't want to attend lectures, why does he spend money and time in attending the university?
ReplyDeleteIn my experience, I would not spend time efficiently when I skipped classes. Everyone ha s sort of temptation to skip a class --especially for freshmen -- just to stay home or to hang out with friends, etc. However, I agree with you guys. Students need to attend classes, and they're going to learn something whether they learn a lot or not. :)